
Saturday, June 8, 2019

GW talk at Melville Park (Apr)

Mdm Zarin Patel, organizer of Earth Day Function at Melville Park Condominium, invited Earth Society to attend their event on 21 Apr. This is the 2nd time they invite us to their Earth Day event.

On 21 Apr, Earth Society team reached Melville Park at 5.45 pm.
The Earth Day Function started with a Shake Sweat fitness dance. Participants danced to the beat of pop music, guided by a fitness instructor.

After the dance, everyone settled down for a story-telling session. Mdm Zarin Patel told a story about a child helping animals. In-return the animals help the child to plant a field of crops. It was a kind story of humans and animals living harmoniously together and helping each other.

After the story-telling session, it is our turn to conduct a Global Warming talk for the children and parents. We presented on the effects of Climate change on the world and showcased various solutions that scientists recommended to curb climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We also touched on issues such as Deforestation and world hunger.

Children and parents listened attentively to the talk and participated actively in the Quiz after the talk. At the end of the Quiz, participants pledged to be more Eco-friendly, eat more veggie meals and use less plastic bag.

After the GW talk, we were all invited to a plant-based pot luck dinner prepared by the participants. There were Indian food, Chinese food and even salads for everyone.
During the pot-luck dinner, many parents approached us to discuss on the topic presented. Many parents signed up on our email list to receive more info on Climate change.

The Earth Day event ended at 8.30 pm. 25 parents and 15 children attended the Earth Day event.

Participant’s Feedback

The talk was very informative for kids as well as adults. The slides and videos were detailed very well. The pace of the talk was just nice. - Ms Purua Arora, participant of Earth Day event, Melville Park

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