
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Earth Awareness Week @ Facebook Singapore (Oct)

Ms Denise Fung, Admin officer in Facebook Culinary Team, invited Earth Society to participate in their Facebook Earth Awareness week (14 to 18 Oct) event. The event was spearheaded by Mr Michael Muller, the Head chef of Facebook Culinary team.

Mr Michael is well aware of the environmental degradation of our planet and the global health crisis. His vision is to introduce the health and environmental benefits of a vegetarian / vegan diet to the Facebook staffs. (1200 staffs)

Facebook has a Café (Cafe30) that serves food/drinks to their staffs. All Facebook staffs have the privilege to eat breakfast and lunch at the Café for free.

During the Earth Awareness week (14 to 18 Oct), 70% of the food served at Cafe30 are Vegetarian / Vegan! Facebook cooks and culinary staffs really worked hard to create many vegetarian /vegan versions of eastern and western food to offer the 1200 staffs during the week.

As part of the Earth Awareness week program, Facebook invited various Veg speakers to conduct talks for their staffs during the lunch hour every day in the week. Speakers included Mr Luke Tan (Vegan Strength Athlete/ personal Trainer), Mr Vikas Garg (CEO of Abillionveg), Ms Rebecca Cappelli (Director of Singapore Vegan Documentary “Let us be Heros”) and Mr Low CK (Vice-President of Earth Society).

During the Earth Awareness week, Facebook also invited various Veg companies and NGOs to set up booths at Cafe30 to educate the staffs on how to go plant based,
Booth vendors included Animal Allies, AbillionVeg, Green Monday, Quron, Kroodi, Tempeh Culture, Earth Society etc

Earth Society supported the Earth Awareness week by setting up and manning a booth in Cafe30 from 16 Oct to 18 Oct, 9 am to 3 pm daily. At our booth, we showed the participants a video clip on Climate change and distributed Eco-websites leaflets, ‘Green and Healthy Monday’ leaflets and Climate change booklets. We also set up an Exhibition Panel to showcase the Climate Crisis and encourage the participants to go Veg to reduce Green House gas and curb Climate change.

On 17 Oct, we conducted a Global Warming talk at the staff canteen. We presented on how Global Warming is affecting the world and showcased various solutions to curb climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We also engaged Facebook staffs with interactive Quizs during the presentation.

Feedback from Staffs

The facts and information showed via the presentation was helpful and direct in deliverance. The videos that show the impact of climate change helps to drive the messages well. – Ms Gloria, AV staff, Facebook.

It was a great presentation. The speaker engage the crowd really well through Quizzes and lots of interactive videos.. - Ms Angela, Staff, Facebook

Speaker was very enthusiastic and animated! Videos and slides help to engage the audience. - Ms Belle, Photographer.

Earth Society volunteers are pleasantly surprised that there are lots of vegan options in Cafe30 during the Earth Awareness week. There are vegan pizzas, vegan chappatis, vegan fired rice, vegan chicken rice and even vegan ice-creams (non-dairy ice-creams) during the week. Our volunteers gladly enjoyed the delicious vegan food available and acknowledged Facebook as one of the most vegan-friendly company in Singapore. :>

We are glad that more companies are recognising the environmental and health benefits of the plant-based diet and are taking the initiative to promote the message to their staffs. We hope the plant-based movement will spread far and wide and encourage everyone to join in to bring Health to the people and usher in a Sustainable Future for the planet.

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