
Monday, July 23, 2018

Assembly talk @ Chua Chu Kang Primary (May)

Ms Revathi, Science Level Head in Chua Chu Kang Primary, invited Earth Society to conduct an Assembly talk for the school cohort on 21 May.

On 21 May, Earth Society team reached Chua Chu Kang Primary at 7.15 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for the school cohort from 7.30 am to 8 am. We presented on how Global Warming is affecting the world and showcased various solutions to climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs).
Ms Revathi help us to compile some feedback from the teachers and email to us after the talk.  

Teachers’ Feedback
1) Very informative. Very appropriate use of videos in between the presentations to sustain students attention. The presenter was very clear in articulating the facts. I had learnt a lot from the assembly talk. Thank you.

2) Very Informative. I did not know eating less meat is equal to less heat. Thank you so much for the sharing. Great Job!

3) Videos are interesting and engaging but presenter can slow down his presentation.

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