
Saturday, November 24, 2012

UNFCCC Public Lecture (18 Oct)

Mr Low received an email invitation to attend a UNFCCC Public Lecture on 18 Oct. The event, organized by S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was held from 4.30 to 6 pm at Shangri-La Hotel.

During the Public lecture, Ms Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), spoke on the topic: “ Climate Change: Why We Need a Multilateral Solution. ”

Ms Christian Figueres spoke on the urgency of climate change and what UN and various countries are doing to curb climate change. She spoke about increasing energy efficiency to reduce green house gas emissions. She encouraged the young generations to utilize social media such as the internet & facebook to raise issues on climate change.
The presentation was followed by a 45 mins Q & A session.
During the Q & A, Mr Low raised a suggestion to promote meatless days as a means to reduce green house gas emissions and conserve the food and water resources of the world.

He cited the findings of a UNEP 2010 report: “A Substantial reduction of impacts (on the environment) would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change away from animal products” to support his view.

Ms Christian Figueres acknowledged that producing meat uses a lot of resources in the world. She commented that people would reduce meat consumption for health reason more than for environmental reasons. Ms Christian Figueres recommended that the Health department, rather than the Environment department, could assist to promote meatless days.

《素食地理跑透透2.0》活动 (10月13日)

新加坡慈济青少年组(简称‘慈青’)在10月13日举办了《素食地理跑透透》活动,向参加活动的60位大专学生推广“保护环境/ 多吃素食”的生活理念。

慈青组员带领大专学生到植物园进行一系列的环保游戏,游戏项目包括:各国灾难配对游戏、保护雨林游戏、扮演难民游戏等。游戏宗旨在于提高青少年对气候变迁/ 灾难增加的认识,也灌输一些保护雨林/ 减少环境破坏的环保理念。

到了中午,慈青分组带领学生到不同的素食餐馆,向学生讲解多吃素食如何减低碳排放/ 节省地球资源,并介绍一些好吃的素食给学生们品尝。

看到慈青那么热心地向青少年推广素食环保的理念,刘先生深受感动。 希望有更多的环保团体能加入这行列,提高人民的环保意识、鼓励人民减少肉食/ 多吃素食来帮助世界。


GW Talk @ Sheng Hong Family Service Center (05 Oct)

Ms Liau Yi Fang, from Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Center, invited Earth Society to conduct a Global Warming talk to 40 primary school students in their Rainbow connect program.

Mr Low conducted the talk from 2.30 till 3.10 pm followed by a 10 mins Quiz. Students in the center listened attentively to the talk and participated actively during the quiz.

Sheng Hong family center conducted a survey with the students after the event. Survey result shows that 80% of the students enjoyed the talk, learned something new about global warming and believed that they can put the knowledge learnt to good use.

Feedback from teachers/ staffs:
“I observed that almost all children are attracted to the interesting animation and video with sound effect. I supposed this is the approach effective to all (P1- P6).  1 short clip conveying 1 concept/ main point to the children audience, it’s really good enough. Overall, I think the event had achieved objective and good.”

“To better sustain the children’s interest and retention of the lecture, maybe can look into the possibility of having another quiz at the middle of presentation. Hence, we have 2 quiz, 1 at the middle, the other at the end.”