
Sunday, August 8, 2021

《狮城有约》地球协会访谈 2022


在地球日当天,新传媒电台第8播道《狮城有约》制作人Annzy 邀请地球协会副会长(刘先生)和新加坡理工大学助理教授(陈植能博士)上《非常访谈》节目。

主持人(刘俊葳/张海洁)和我们谈论冠病疫情、保护环境、极端气候、减少塑料、减少肉食、永续发展等课题。节目是在422日傍晚6.50 7.10现场直播。


狮城有约:世界地球日:(11 mins):


Online GW talk @ Indeed Singapore Operations (Apr)

Ms Jessie Tan, Office Manager in Indeed Singapore Operations Pte Ltd, invited Earth Society to conduct an online Global Warming talk for their staffs on 21 Apr. The talk is part of the Earth week event that the company organized.

On 21 Apr, Earth Society joined Ms Jessie (via Zoom) at 10.45 am. Mr Venkata Sai from Indeed (India) and Mr Hiroki from Indeed (Japan) join in the session as well. This is the first time that employees from other countries join in our GW talk.

We conducted a Global Warming talk for Indeed staffs in Singapore, India and Japan from 11 am to 12 pm. We presented on the effects of Climate change on the world and showcased various solutions that scientists recommended to curb climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We also touched on the issue of deforestation and world hunger. Indeed staffs listened attentively to the talk.

During this pandemic period, we are glad that more companies are organizing Green events online to promote Environmental awareness and encourage their staffs to adopt a more sustainable way of Living.

Panel Discussion @ Anderson Secondary (Apr)

Ms Elizabeth Tio, from Anderson Secondary, invited Earth Society to participate in their Panel Discussion on Climate change on 07 Apr. The Panel discussion was held as part of their Humanities Week program. Other than Earth Society, Anderson Secondary also invited Ms Melissa Low from Energy Studies Institute in NUS and Ms Gurga S from Shiok Meats (a cell-based company which grow meat from cells.) to join in the Panel discussion. The Panel discussion was conducted online (via Zoom) from 8 am to 9 am for the Sec 3 to Sec 5 students.

Prior to the actual event, Anderson Secondary arranged for 2 online meetings with the speakers to run through the program details and discuss on the topic of Climate change. Anderson Secondary requested the speakers to write a message to the students. The speakers’ message and speakers’ profile are placed in a 11-page reading material that the school prepared for the students who attend the event.

On 07 Apr, Earth Society joined in the Panel discussion at 7.45 am. Each speaker was given 10 mins to present to the students, followed by a 20 mins Q & A session.

Ms Melissa Low presented on how climate change is affecting Singapore and SG Green Plan, Ms Gurga presented on how growing meat from cells reduce the environmental impact of the animal industry, Mr Low CK presented on reducing meat consumption/ supporting Meatless Mondays to reduce Climate change. Students listened attentively to the presentations and actively participated in the Q & A session.

We are glad that the schools are organizing panel discussions and inviting speakers from various environmental organizations to speak to students on the urgency of Climate change and discuss on Solutions to climate change. Let’s hope the schools and students adopt life-style changes to reduce climate change and preserve the precious food and water resources on our planet.