
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Company Lunch talk @ Parsons Brinckerhoff (17 Nov)

Mr Timothy Lim, an Engineer in Parsons Brinckerhoff, invited Earth Society to conduct a company lunch talk for 25 employees on 17 Nov.
This is the 3rd year that Parsons Brinckerhoff invited us to speak to their employees.

On 17 Nov, Earth Society members reached Parsons Brinckerhoff at 4.45pm. We conducted a Global Warming talk for the staffs from 5 to 6 pm. The staffs listened attentively to the talk.

After the talk, many staffs came forward to get more info on Climate change.

Feedback from Staffs:

I’ve enjoyed the presentation. I like the updated news on the happenings in the world.
I’m glad that there are organizations playing a part to help to reduce green house gas.   
- Geraldine Lam, Secretary, Parksons Brinckerhoff

Very good knowledge on how our diet can affect Global warming. Thanks for the talk and the informative given. – Christina Yeo Gek Hua, Engineer

Very informative. The most engaging talk we have this year! It’s an eye-opener. Great job!            
- Timothy Lim, Engineer

Company Lunch talk @ Jebsen and Jessen (17 Nov)

Ms Florance Lau, Admin officer of Jebsen & Jessen Business Service Pte Ltd, invited Earth Society to conduct a company lunch talk for 30 employees on 17 Nov.
The talk is arranged as part of the EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) program for the company.  

On 17 Nov, Earth Society members reached Jebsen & Jessen at 11.15 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for the staffs from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm.

We presented on the effects of climate change on various countries and showcase solutions that scientists recommend to reduce global warming (i.e. Stop deforestation, eat less meat, green energy and 3Rs). Staffs of Jebsen & Jessen listened attentively to the talk.

After the talk, many staffs came forward to provide feedback and sign-up on our email list.

Feedback from Staffs:

Thank you for the talk. Very informative and useful. Let me know what I can do as an individual to reduce global warming. – Shirley Tang, HR staff, JJBSS

Very informative. Many of us are not aware of the impact of climate change on the world. Thanks! 
- Sharon Yee, JJ staff

The talk creates an awareness for us to save the world that we live in. We will commit to this cause by supporting veggie days.   – JJ staff