
Friday, July 18, 2014

环保讲座 @ 中国西安邮电大学 (6月5日)

中国西安邮电大学, 通信与信息工程学院副院长,刘颖博士,邀请地球协会在6月份到中国为大学生做环保讲座。刘副院长是在前几年到新加坡进行学术交流时认识地球协会的。刘副校长热衷于环保,并认同地球协会素食环保的环保理念。刘副院长在今年初就写信邀请地球协会的刘先生到西安邮电大学举办环保讲座。经过一番接洽与安排,刘副院长决定邀请刘先生夫妇在64日至6日到中国西安邮电大学举办环保讲座,学校将提供机票与住宿。

演讲内容包括:全球暖化对世界各地的影响(冰川融化、旱灾/水灾增加、海平面上升、粮食水源问题等),如何减低温室气体(多种树/减少肉食/用绿色能源/再循环)。演讲中呈现了许多环保短片,:科学家谈全球暖化短片、NASA总裁DrJames Hansen 暖化的影响、联合国IPCC主席帕乔尔谈减少碳足迹、戈尔Al Gore绿色能源短片、中国演艺界拍摄的《周一请吃素》短片等。





此次演讲对我有极强的震撼力,感谢老师此次环境保护的倡导演讲。此后我会加强自己的环保活动!- 李钧杰,西安邮电大学 学生

看了讲课,有很多感触。全球暖化,天气渐热。少吃肉、多吃素,有益健康,更有益地球。 - 王鹏,西安邮电大学 学生

-西安邮电大学 学生

彭同学,西安邮电大学 学生

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Environment Seminar @ Parsons Brinkerhoff company (28 May)

Mr Lakkur Sai Prakash, an Engineer in Parsons Brinkerhoff company, invited Earth Society to conduct a 1 hour seminar to 20 staffs on 28 May from 5 to 6pm. This is the 2nd year that Parsons Brinkerhoff invited us to the company.

On 28 May, Earth Society members reached Parsons Brinkerhoff at 4.55pm.
We conducted a 45 mins presentation on Overfishing, Deforestation, Greenhouse gas and Environmental protection. At the end of the seminar, we introduce some environmental heros such as Dr Jane Goodall, Captain Paul Watson of the Sea shepherd and NASA director Dr James Hansen to the staffs.

Staff’s Feedback:

The talk is really great. I learnt something today. - Jonathan Naidu, Engineer

It was an informative talk and an eye-opening experience to learn about the impacts of a meat-based diet on environment.   – Sushant Ghargi, Environmental Engineer

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Assembly Talk @ Chung Cheng High (28 May)

As part of the post-exam activities for Sec 1 students, Ms Koh Xiao Woon ( Clean and Green Committee teacher in Chung Cheng High) invited Earth Society to conduct a Global Warming Assembly talk for the students on 28 May.
This the 3rd year that Chung Cheng High invited Earth Society to the school.

Mr Low conducted the Assembly talk from 1.30 to 2.30pm. He presented on how global warming is affecting the planet and showcased various solutions that scientists recommended to curb climate change. He also showed short environmental video clips during the presentation.

The talk was very well-received by the teachers and students.

Teachers’ Feedback:
Thank you so much for coming down to give our students such a comprehensive talk on Climate Change. The presentation was very good for our students and it contains a lot of videos and pictures that helps them to learn and understand better. We appreciate it a lot and hope to continue to work with you again in the future.

- Ms Koh Xiao Woon, Teacher,
  Maths and Science Department, Clean and Green Committee