Ms Grace Tan from CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent invited Earth Society
to conduct an Assembly talk for Sec 3 students on 07 Feb. This is the second
year she invited Earth Society to her school.
On 07 Feb, Earth Society members arrived at St Joseph’s Convent at
8.30 am. We conducted a Global Warming Assembly talk and Quiz to Sec 3 students
from 8.45 to 9.30 am. Students listen attentively to the talk and participated
actively in the Quiz.
After the talk, we set up a booth at the school
canteen from 10am to 11.30am to pass additional info (Climate change booklets / Global Warming Website
leaflets) to interested teachers and students.
from Students and Teachers:
We both like the talk. We’ve learnt lots
of things about Global Warming, both causes and solutions. We learn about how
much water is going into Agriculture to feed the cows to get our burgers. Thus, we should cut down on the intake of beef.
Serene also found the polar bears cute and have empathy for them. So we should
ALL Save the Earth. Do it for the future of our lifes. – Serene and Lydia, CHIJ students
I really love the talk as it helps us to understand the importance
of saving the Earth and to help reduce Global Warming. I will really try to
help out as I love the Earth and I do not want people to suffer and die just
because of global warming. I will support the meat-free Thursday as it helps to
reduce CO2 emissions.
– Lucia Maria, CHIJ student.
I really enjoyed the talk. I learnt about
environment matters that I did not previously know. Good work. Keep it up and
spread the word. – Ms Tan Yu Qing, CHIJ