
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Methane Time Bomb

As the Arctic sea warms up, the Methane hydrates beneath the ocean is melting , releasing millions of tons of Methane [a green house gas 23 times GWP that of CO2] into the atmosphere.

Recently, a Sep report from UK states that a Russian research ship has discovered that methane is bubbling up from thousands of square mile in the Siberian continental shelf.

The methane time bomb:

This is a phenomenal that the scentist are greatly worried about, because there is huge amounts of Methane hydrates beneath the Arctic oceans. [A Newspaper report shows that there is about 400 gigatons of Methane locked in the Arctic tandra.
Reference :]

If a portion of those were to melt, it would trigger "Run away global warming". :/ :/ :X

The meltdown would lead to more global warming, causing less ice, warmer sea and in turn more meltdown. It is a positive feedback loop that acts upon itself. :(

The situation is urgent now, we have to do all we can to reduce green house gas emissions
now. Including switching to a vegetarian diet which will take away 20% green house gas emission by the livestock industries, reduce deforestation, and reduce environmental destruction.

Let's all make some lifestyle changes, for the planet, for ourselves and for our future generation.

With best wishes,
Low ck