
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Share an informative web with interviews with Climate Scientist

Hi friends : ) : ) ,

Just discovered a website that has many interviews with leading NASA climate scientist/
IPCC scientist / University lecturers and environmentalist on the various aspects of
Global Warming and how it is affecting the planet.
You can watch the interviews on line and even download it to your computer : ) : )

I'll recommend the following interviews :

1. Earth's tipping points: Interview with NASA's Director Jame's Hansen
2. The vital role of sea ice : Interview with Ted Scambos [a long-time scientist at the Poles]
3. From CO2 to Climate Change : Interview with Dr David Archer
4. The science and solution to Global Warming.
5. Prof Barry Brook on Livestock Agriculture and Climate Change
You can download them and watch when you have free time : )

They are greatly informative and genuine :)

Pls share with all who are concern about the environment.