
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Online Biodiversity Loss talk @ Seng Kang Primary (Apr)

Ms Hung Mei Ling, a teacher from Seng Kang Primary, invited Earth Society to conduct an online Biodiversity Loss talk for the upper primary students on 22 Apr.

On 22 Apr, Earth Society team join in the online Zoom meeting at 12.45 pm. We conducted a Biodiversity Loss talk for the P4 to P6 students from 1 pm to 1.30 pm.

We showcased WWF’s message that almost 70% of wildlife were lost from 1970s to 2016. We touched on issues such as Biodiversity Loss, Overfishing, Deforestation, animal factory farming and Climate change. We also introduced some environmental heros such as Sea Shepherd (protect the ocean) and Dr Jane Goodall (protect the forests) to the students. We recommend solutions such as reduce fish consumption, Meatless days, planting trees and protect the world’s ocean and forest.

Students and teachers listened attentively to the talk.

Biodiversity Loss talk @ Woodlands Secondary (Apr)

Mdm April Lee,
a teacher from Woodlands Secondary, invited Earth Society to conduct a Biodiversity Loss Assembly talk for the school’s cohort on 22 Apr.

On 22 Apr, Earth Society team reached Woodlands Secondary at 7.20 am. We conducted a Biodiversity Loss talk for the Sec 1 to Sec 4 students from 7.45 am to 8.15 am.

We presented on Biodiversity Loss, Mass Extinction, Overfishing, Deforestation, Climate change and Factory farming. We featured WWF 2020 Living Planet Index report which shows that 68% of wildlife were lost from 1970s to 2016. We showed that there are 8 billion humans on the planet, but we kill 1,500 billion fishes and 80 billion land animals for food each year. We touched on issues such as Global Warming, reduce Fish consumption, reduce Factory farming, Meatless days and conservation of the world’s ocean and forest.

We also showed that if everyone on the planet consumes resources as Singaporeans do, we will need 3 planets to sustain our consumption habits. We need to reduce our consumption pattern to keep it within the limits of 1 planet.

Students and teachers listened attentively to the talk. 

GW talk @ SMRT Buses Ltd (Jan)

Mr Chong Wah Lih, from SMRT Buses Ltd, invited Earth Society to conduct a Global Warming talk at Woodlands Bus Depot on 30 Jan.

On 30 Jan, Earth Society team reached Woodlands Bus Depot at 10.15 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for 30 staffs from 10.30 am to 11.30 am.

We presented on the effects of Climate change on the world and showcased various solutions that scientists recommended to curb climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We touched on environmental issues such as Deforestation, the Global usage of food/ water resources and World Hunger.

The staffs listened attentively to the talk and many staffs came forward to get more info after the talk.

Feedback from staffs

The talk is very informative and has increased my awareness of our actions on the global climate.                        -  Eugene Chan, Manager, TSOP

Very powerful talk, explaining the effects of eating meat on the environment. – Cliffard Lee, Depot Head

Good talk. Is Singapore planning to implement some measures in the primary and secondary schools as this can help to create a habit since young that can help better encourage the rest?  – Lee Yun Xin, Exec, SIS

Very informative talk in promoting saving the Earth. Thanks!  – Ching Ka Fai, staff, SMRT Buses Ltd

Booth at Earth Market @ NUS (Jan)

NUS Students' Association for Visions of the Earth (NUS SAVE) invited Earth Society to set up a booth at their “Earth Market” event on 25 Jan. NUS SAVE is the leading environmental group in NUS and their mission is to inspire a greener NUS campus. The Earth Market event on 25 Jan was held at NUS Utown Plaza.

During the event, NUS SAVE had a booth that sold second-hand items. They invited various organizations to set up 16 booths in the event to raise awareness on sustainable habits and the dangers of environmentally harmful habits. 

On 25 Jan, Earth Society team reached NUS Utown Plaza at 9.45 am. We set up a booth to show some Climate change video clips to the participants. We let the participants play a ‘GHG & Water usage’ Quiz to learn about the amount of Green House Gas (GHG) emitted to produce different types of food. We also distributed Eco-website flyers, Green and Healthy Monday leaflets and Climate Change booklets to the participants. We manned the booth from 10 am to 5 pm.

We are glad that many tertiary institutes (such as NUS, NTU etc) are promoting Eco-awareness in their campus. May the green message spread far and wide among the youths in Singapore. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Booth at Eco Carnival @ Punggol Shore Community Club (Nov)

Mr Cornelius Danker, Organising Committee in Punggol Shore Community Club, invited Earth Society to set up a booth at their Eco Carnival event held at Punggol Shore CC on 04 Nov 2023. This is the 3rd time Punggol Shore CC invited Earth Society to set up a booth at their annual Carnival event. 

The Eco Carnival was organized by Punggol 21 CCMC and National Environment Agency (NEA). The event aims to promote The Singapore Green Plan 2030 (a national sustainability movement which seeks to rally bold and collective action to tackle climate change) to the families residing in Punggol Shore. Mdm Yeo Wan Ling, Grassroots Adviser to Punggol GROs, was the Guest of Honour for this event.

On 04 Nov, Earth Society volunteers set up a booth at the Eco carnival at 9.45 am.

At our booth, participants may watch short video clips on Climate change and environmental protection. Participants can also play a ‘GHG & Water usage’ Quiz. Participants learnt about the amount of Green House Gas (GHG) emitted to produce certain type of food as they completed the Quiz. They also learn about the amount of water needed to produce different types of food.

We distributed Eco-website flyer and Climate Change booklet to interested participants at our booth. Some participants signed up in our email list to receive more information on environmental protection.

We manned the booth from 9.45 am to 3.00 pm.

Online Biodiversity Loss talk @ CommScope (Oct)

Ms Rachel Rodricks, HR (NEA and SEA), from Commscope invited Earth Society to conduct an online Biodiversity talk for her company in Oct. Commscope was running an INSPIRE series where they invite organizations to share about their stories to their APAC employees over a 30-minutes online session.

The INSPIRE platform is an opportunity for employees at CommScope to listen to the inspiring stories of those who make a positive difference to the community through their visible actions.

On 19 Oct, Earth Society joined in the online INSPIRE session (via MS Teams) at 11.45 am. We conducted an online “Biodiversity Loss” talk for CommScope staffs from 12 pm to 12.50 pm. The INSPIRE session attracted 100 staff across India, South East Asia, North East Asia, India, Australia and New Zealand to attend the session.

In the Biodiversity Loss talk, we presented on Biodiversity Loss, Overfishing, Deforestation, Climate change and Factory farming.

Our planet Earth is facing the 6th Mass Extinction driven by Humans. Up to 1 million species of animals and plants are at the risk of going Extinct. From WWF Living Planet Index report, 68% of wildlife are lost in the past 50 years. The Biodiversity Loss is driven by Overfishing, Deforestation, Habitat loss and Climate change.

We recommended Solutions such as reduce Fish consumption, reduce Animal Factory farming, Meatless Mondays, protection of Ocean and Forest Eco-systems etc. If everyone on the planet consumes resources as Singaporeans do, we will need 3 planets to support our consumption pattern. We need to reduce our consumption pattern to keep our needs within the limit of 1 Earth.

CommScope staffs listened to the talk attentively. They actively participate in the Q and A session at the end of the talk.

Feedback from staffs

Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to listen to Earth Society (a very well informed and inspirational advocate) to save Planet Earth as there is no Planet B! The session was very balanced with factual information and statistics to support this. The focus on what we can do and the difference we can make is very well presented and with much enthusiasm. Thank you for continuing to raise awareness to make a change. I definitely will be utilising your website to try and make a difference too. – Rejins Claudia, Staff, CommScope

Thanks for sharing an inspirational journey of Earth Society with us. The initiatives driven by the team has truly inspired us. Wishing you all the best to spread the awareness to others.    – Mr Turupati Shrinivas Rao, Staff.

It is a very informative and well-researched session. Thank you for all the efforts taken by your team.  – Dukle Ruhy, Staff

Learning Station @ Youth Corps Sg “SDG Go” (Sep)

Ms Shi Min, Events Management Member of Youth Corp Singapore (Beyond Singapore Cluster), invited Earth Society to participate in their “SDG Go” event in East Coast Park in 30 Sep.

YCS Beyond Singapore Cluster works to shape Singapore’s youths to be global citizens as they promote global affairs to youths and advocate for United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) within the ASEAN region.

The “SDG Go” event seeks to educate the youths about United Nation’s SDG. The youths participating in this event will go through 5 stations (Amazing-Race style) to learn about 5 UN SDGs thorough games, presentation, quizzes etc. The youths have 15 mins to learn from each station.     

Earth Society corresponded with the YCS team through online Zoom meetings. YCS invited us to set up a learning station to share with the youths on UN SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and food sustainability.

On 30 Sep, Earth Society team reached East Coast Park at 7.30 am. We set up a Learning station in a sheltered pavilion.

At our station, we used a laptop to present to the youths on the amount of Green house gas emitted / the amount of water required to produce different types of food. We showed that producing meat was not sustainable and recommended to reduce meat consumption by half and support Meatless days to conserve the food and water resources on the planet. After the presentation, the youths have to do a Quiz (7 MCQs) to earn points for their team

We manned the learning station from 7.30 am to 12 pm. About 30 youths participated in the “SDG Go’ event.

We are glad that organizations such as Youth Corps Singapore are educating youths on Sustainability issues. We hope Environmental awareness will spread far and wide among the youths in Singapore.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

GW talk @ Yuan Ching Secondary (Aug)

Mdm Cheong Wei Leng, a teacher from Yuan Ching Secondary, invited Earth Society to conduct a Global Warming Assembly talk for the Sec 3 to Sec 5 students on 14 Aug.

On 14 Aug, Earth Society team reached Yuan Ching Secondary at 7.45 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for the Sec 3 to Sec 5 students from 8 am to 8.50 am.

We presented on how Global Warming is affecting the world (Droughts, Forest fires, Flash floods in Singapore, Arctic Ice melt etc). We showcased various Solutions to Climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We touched on environmental issues such as Deforestation, the Global usage of food/ water resources and World Hunger.

Students and teachers listened attentively to the talk.

After the talk, Mdm Cheong helped to compile some feedback from teachers and students and email us.

Teachers’ Feedback

The talk is very informative and let the students know about the causes and impact of Climate change. The presentation also shared about recent events that are happening around the world. Suggestions are given to students and see whether they can take it up based on their comfort level. - Mdm Cheong Wei Leng, Geography, Senior Teacher.

Very informative and engaging talk on the impact of Climate change, updated with recent events experienced. That added relevance to the sharing that we can associate with. Great actionable advice on individual level for us to take up depending on comfort level.  – Chen Zhan Jiang, Innovation, ST.

Students’ Feedback

I learnt that climate change is a very prevalent issue that we are facing right now and we should do our best to save Mother Earth. I learnt that we should reduce our consumption of water and food as the amount of food and water we waste is shocking. I will join the Meatless Monday campaign and encourage my friends and family to participate in it.   – Xin Yu, Sec 4

We can make a difference in terms of reducing the impact of climate change by changing our diet, following Our Healthy Plate and assign the different types of foods accordingly. I will try to avoid eating beef since the growing of beef will use a lot of water and give out a lot of carbon dioxide. - Gan Xing Hui, Sec 3

I have learnt that we need to use a lot of water to get our food, especially meats like beef requires high amounts of water. I also learnt what are the consequences of climate change on the planet. I can reduce eating meat and switch to alternatives such as plant-based meat.  – Nishita, Sec 3

Youth Sustainability Boot Camp @ Science Center (May)

Mr Tan Yi Han, from GUILD (Ground-Up Innovation Labs for Development), invited Earth Society to attend their Youth Sustainability event at Science Center in May. This is the 2nd time GUILD invited us to their event.

GUILD had partnered with Science Centre to run a design thinking Boot camp on the theme of Sustainability for Upper Primary and Secondary school students.

Mr Tan invited Earth Society to share with students about sustainable food choices. GUILD also invited other Eco-organizations such as Nature Society and Foodscape Collective to share their knowledge with the students.

On 30 May, Earth Society team reached Science Center at 12.45 pm.

The primary and secondary students occupied 3 classrooms. There were 4 learning stations in each classroom. Students (in groups of 5) would rotate among the 4 learning stations to learn about different aspects of Sustainability The students had 15 mins to learn from each of the learning stations.

Earth Society team set up a learning station in a corner of a classroom from 1 pm to 2.30 pm. At our station, we used a laptop to present to the students on the amount of Green house gas emitted / the amount of water required to produce different types of food. We showed that producing meat was not sustainable and recommended to reduce meat consumption by half and support Meatless days to conserve the food and water resources on the planet.

Students paid full attention to the lesson and eagerly jotted down notes in their worksheet when listening to the presentation.  

We are glad that organizations such as GUILD are engaging primary and secondary school students on Sustainability issues. We hope the Eco-message will spread far and wide among the children/ youths in Singapore.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

GW talk @ Thales company (Apr)

Ms Jacqueline Lee, HSE Executive from Thales company, invited
Earth Society to conduct 2 Global Warming talks for Thales (Ayer Rajah) and Thales (Changi) on 25 Apr and 26 Apr respectively.

On 25 Apr, Earth Society reached Thales (Ayer Rajah) at 11.45 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for 50 staffs from 12 pm to 1 pm. We presented on the effects of Climate change on the world and showcased various solutions that scientists recommended to curb climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We touched on environmental issues such as Deforestation, the Global usage of food/ water resources and World Hunger.

On 26 Apr, we conduct a similar GW talk for Thales (Changi), about 30 staffs attended the talk.

Feedback from Staffs:

Very informative talk. More public need to attend such talks to create awareness.- Shasahan Nalakaiu, HSE Management

Great information and got to know more about Climate change. - Jacqueline Lee, HSE Executive

Thanks for the time and effort of Earth Society. It is a very good talk that encourage the audience to be vegetarian to help the planet.  - Divvya, IT support  

Thank you for taking the time to enlighten/ educate us on Climate change. - Praseedha, Legal Department

Clear and Good presentation on Global Warming. - Richard Lee, HSE officer

GW talk @ Kheng Cheng School (Apr)

Ms Teo, a teacher from Kheng Cheng School, invited Earth Society to conduct a Global Warming Assembly talk for the school on 21 Apr.

On 21 Apr, Earth Society team reached Kheng Cheng School at 7.15 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for the P1 to P6 students from 7.30 am to 8 am. We presented on how Global Warming is affecting the world and showcased various solutions to climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We touched on environmental issues such as Deforestation, the Global usage of food/ water resources and World Hunger.

Students and teachers listened attentively to the talk. The talk was well-received. After the talk, Ms Teo wrote to us to get more info on the GW talk.

《狮城有约》地球协会访谈 2023


新传媒电台第8播道《狮城有约》制作人Annzy 邀请南洋理工大学土木与环境工程学院助理教授(费璕瑺博士)、新加坡环境理事会可持续发展经理(彭黎)和地球协会副会长(刘先生)上《非常访谈》节目。

主持人(王征/蔡沁凯)和我们谈论新加坡瓶装水的消耗量、环保回收物的可追溯性,如何杜绝漂绿行为等课题。节目是在324日 傍晚6.50 7.10现场直播。


狮城有约:十分访谈:迈向零废弃:(12 mins):


Online GW talk @ BNY Mellon (Apr)

Ms Meena Ponraj (Head of Institutional Distribution- Investment Management, Southeast Asia) from BNY Mellon Investment Management Singapore Pte Ltd, invited Earth Society to conduct an online Global Warming talk for her staffs on 18 Apr.

On 18 Apr, Earth Society joined in the online MS Teams meeting at 1.45 pm. We conducted a Global Warming talk for 40 staffs from 2 pm to 3 pm. We presented on the effects of Climate change on the world and showcased various solutions that scientists recommended to curb climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We touched on environmental issues such as Deforestation, the Global usage of food/ water resources and World Hunger.

BNY Mellon staffs listened attentively to the talk.

Feedback from Staffs: 

  • very insightful yet depressing at the same time to know that despite major governments meeting their emission commitments, we’ll still be outside the safe zone in terms of temperature increases!
  • absolutely eye opening presentation from Earth Society. Lots to digest, learn and act on.
  • informative!  
  • Would be useful for some Call to Action suggestions to be displayed on the slides at an individual level
  • When the big picture is so dire and the scale of the problem is presented as such it might seem overwhelming
  • Tone for going meatless could be more gradual – Eg. Here are some options, as opposed to, stop now.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Online Water Conservation talk @ Pasir Ris Crest Secondary (Apr)

Ms Lilian Teo, Subject Head (Biology) from Pasir Ris Crest Secondary, invited Earth Society to conduct an online Water Conservation talk for their Sec 1 students on 18 Apr. The online talk was part of a series of activities the school engaged in to commemorate Earth Day.  

On 18 Apr, Earth Society joined in the online Zoom meeting at 12 pm. We conducted a Water Conservation talk for the Sec 1 students from 12.15 pm to 12.55 pm. We showcased United Nation’s 2020 WWD message that Climate change is causing more droughts and floods in the world. We also showed Global water shortage, and shared PUB’s 5 tips to save 140 litres of water at Home.

We also shared that the bulk of a person’s daily water usage is embedded in the food we eat. United Nations shows that a person drinks 2 to 4 litres of water a day, uses about 150 litres of water at home a day, but ‘eats’ 2000 to 5000 litres of water a day. (embedded in the food that we eat.) It takes 200 litres of water to produce 1 kg of veggies, but 15,400 litres of water to produce 1 kg of Beef. By reducing meat consumption, we can save 1000 litres of water a day. By supporting 1 meatless day, we can save 1600 litres of water that day.(equivalent to saving 10 days of water usage at home.)

Students and Teachers listened attentively to the talk.

GW talk @ Woodlands Secondary (Apr)

Ms Selvi, a teacher from Woodlands Secondary, invited Earth Society to conduct a Global Warming Assembly talk for the Sec 3 and Sec 4 students on 03 Apr.

On 03 Apr, Earth Society team reached Woodlands Secondary at 7.25 am. We conducted a Global Warming talk for the Sec 3 and Sec 4 students from 7.40 am to 8.20 am. We presented on how Global Warming is affecting the world and showcased various solutions to climate change. (Plant trees, Eat less meat, Green energy and 3Rs). We touched on environmental issues such as Deforestation, the Global usage of food/ water resources and World Hunger.

Students and teachers listened attentively to the talk.